Product Led Growth

How to Create User Personas for Product Led Growth (PLG)

Learn how to craft detailed user personas to fuel your product-led growth strategy. Discover the importance of user understanding in product development and the unique approach of Jimmy Grow's advisory services. Unleash the power of customer-centric design for business scaling success.

If you are a business owner seeking to scale your company in a customer-centric manner, then this article is for you. Crafting detailed and representative user personas can guide your product development, marketing strategies, and overall business decisions. It's integral to adopting a Product Led Growth (PLG) approach, which prioritises the user's experience with your product as the primary driver of growth.

Introduction to User Personas in Product Led Growth

The inception of the Product Led Growth (PLG) model has brought user understanding into sharp focus. User personas, in this context, have become an indispensable tool in formulating strategies that drive user acquisition, retention, and expansion. As the PLG approach revolves around the product being the primary driver of business growth, understanding your user is no longer a mere advantage, but a necessity.

A customer-centric approach in product management signifies the pivot from a traditional business-centric model to one where customers dictate the product evolution. It's about more than just knowing who your customers are; it's about understanding their pain points, needs, and desires to tailor a product experience that resonates with them. This approach is deeply woven into the fabric of PLG, and that's where user personas come into play.

Understanding User Personas

A user persona is a semi-fictional character that represents your ideal customer. This character is based on market research, data analysis, and real feedback from your actual customers. These personas provide an in-depth understanding of user behaviours, experiences, needs, and motivations. They serve as a conduit for empathy, allowing your team to step into the users' shoes and see the product from their perspective.

The concept of user personas was first introduced by Alan Cooper in the early 1980s during the development of software design. Cooper advocated for the shift in focus from designing for arbitrary users to designing for a single, specific user, thereby introducing the idea of a 'persona'. The concept has since evolved and is now a fundamental part of User-Centred Design (UCD) and User Experience (UX) design, serving as a bridge to connect the user's world with the business goals.

User personas play an instrumental role in understanding the values, behaviours, and characteristics of a product’s ideal user. They paint a vivid picture of who the user is, what they want to accomplish, what goals drive their behaviour, and how they are likely to interact with your product. This level of understanding is integral to crafting products that not only solve users' problems but also offer an experience that is tailored to their expectations and preferences.

Elements of a User Persona

Developing an accurate and useful user persona is a structured process that requires a deep dive into your user's world. The goal is to humanise your users, to give your data a face and a story. Each user persona should encapsulate a significant portion of your audience's behaviours, goals, and motivations. It's important to note that user personas are not real people, but rather, they are composite characters that mirror the qualities and characteristics of your target user segments.

Let's delve into the crucial elements that make up a comprehensive user persona:

  1. A Fictitious Name: This helps humanise the persona, allowing your team to think about them as a real individual.
  2. Age Range: This should reflect the primary age group of your target audience.
  3. Demographic Profile: Basic details like location, occupation, education, and income level.
  4. Psychographic Profile: This includes lifestyle, values, attitudes, and beliefs.
  5. Technical vs Non-technical: Helps determine the user's comfort level with technology and product interfaces.
  6. Common Interests: Hobbies or activities that the persona is interested in can provide additional context and depth.
  7. Online Habits: Details about how the persona uses the internet, including preferred devices and browsing habits.
  8. Websites/Apps Commonly Used: These do not need to be related to your product. Instead it's an opportunity to understand the persona's favourite and most frequented apps (eg Instagram). This can give insights into the type of user experience this persona is used to as well as opportunities for partnerships and advertising.
  9. Goals: What is the persona trying to achieve? These should be relevant to how your product can help.
  10. Drivers: What motivates this persona to seek a solution to their problems?
  11. Needs: What are the essential requirements or features that the persona needs from your product?
  12. Frustrations: What are the common problems or challenges this persona faces that your product could solve?

While creating your user personas, remember that these elements are flexible and can be adapted based on your specific business requirements. Each of these aspects contributes towards building a vivid and rich picture of your ideal user, guiding your team in creating a product that fits their needs and expectations.

After all, the heart of Product Led Growth lies in providing an excellent user experience. And to craft an experience that your users will love and advocate for, you must first understand who your users are, what they need, and how they behave. That's the real power of a well-crafted user persona.

The Role of User Personas in Product Management

User personas play an indispensable role in product management. They act as a guiding light that informs product development, design, features, and overall strategy. By honing in on your target user's needs, behaviours, and motivations, you can tailor your product in a way that it becomes not only appealing but indispensable to them.

Over the years, we have worked with numerous companies, assisting them in implementing product-led growth strategies. Interestingly, we found that the companies which scaled faster and more efficiently had one critical element in common: a deep understanding of their users. These companies had a crystal clear vision of their ideal user and what success looked like for that user.

Being user-centric is not just about knowing your user; it's about understanding their journey. It's about knowing their starting point, identifying the obstacles they face in achieving their goals, and outlining the key milestones in their journey.

Here are five fundamental questions that every business should strive to answer:

  1. Who is your ideal user?
  2. What does user success look like for that user?
  3. What is the user's starting point?
  4. What obstacles get in your user's way of achieving success?
  5. What are the main milestones for your user?

Once you unlock the answers to these questions, supporting and facilitating your users on their journey becomes a much simpler task. Understanding your users' needs and wants allows you to create a product that they can seamlessly integrate into their lives, hence propelling your growth.

Dos and Don’ts of Creating User Personas

Creating user personas is as much an art as it is a science. It requires the right mix of data, intuition, empathy, and common sense. Here are some key do's and don'ts to bear in mind during this process.


  • Do use real data: Base your user personas on actual customer data and research. This can be collected through user interviews, surveys, and product usage data. The more accurate your data, the more accurate your user personas will be.
  • Do consider a variety of factors: Don’t just focus on the demographics. Look at psychographic factors such as values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle aspects, as well as user habits and behaviour patterns.
  • Do make them specific: The goal of a user persona is to represent a distinct segment of your audience, not to be a catch-all representation. The more specific your persona, the more useful it will be in guiding your decisions.
  • Do update them regularly: As your product evolves, so will your users. Make sure to revisit and update your personas as needed to ensure they accurately reflect your current user base.


  • Don't make assumptions: If you don't have data to support a particular characteristic, don't just guess. Making assumptions can lead to misguided decisions.
  • Don't ignore negative personas: These are types of users that you don’t want as customers. Understanding who is not your target audience can be as important as understanding who is.
  • Don't overlook internal input: Your sales and customer service teams can provide valuable insights into customer behaviours, needs, and frustrations.
  • Don't make them too complex: User personas should be simple and easy to understand. Overcomplicating them can cause confusion and reduce their usefulness.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating User Personas for PLG

Creating user personas for Product Led Growth can seem daunting, but when broken down into manageable steps, the process becomes far more approachable. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you on your way.

Step 1: Research: Start by gathering as much data as possible about your users. This could be through user interviews, surveys, and analysing product usage data.

Step 2: Segment: Identify patterns and commonalities in your data to segment your users into distinct groups. This could be based on demographics, behaviours, motivations, or any other pertinent factor.

Step 3: Detail: For each segment, create a detailed profile. This should include demographics, psychographics, common behaviours, motivations, frustrations, goals, and any other relevant details.

Step 4: Personify: Give each persona a fictitious name, and possibly even an image. This helps to humanise your data and makes it easier for your team to relate to your personas.

Step 5: Validate: Share these personas with your team, particularly those in customer-facing roles. They can help validate your personas and may offer additional insights.

Step 6: Implement: Start using your personas in your decision-making process. They should guide your product development, design, marketing, and customer service strategies.

Step 7: Review and update: Remember, user personas are not set in stone. They should evolve as your product, market, and users change. Regularly review and update your personas to ensure they remain relevant and effective.


In the realm of Product Led Growth, understanding who your users are is pivotal to creating products that not only attract but retain customers. The development and iteration of user personas act as the cornerstone of this understanding. They shed light on who your ideal users are, what they desire, how they behave, and what they need to succeed. In essence, they make the abstract concept of 'user' more tangible and personal, enabling your business to design and build products that are finely tuned to your user's needs.

At Jimmy Grow, we recognise the power of such insights. As part of our product advisory packages, we place an emphasis on reviewing, understanding, and iterating on our clients' user personas. Our belief is that this lays the perfect foundation for crafting a bespoke scaling strategy. We work alongside you, utilising these detailed user personas to inform product development, design, and marketing decisions. In doing so, we ensure your product is not just solving a problem but doing so in a way that resonates deeply with your user base.

By making user personas an integral part of your PLG strategy, you open up a world of opportunities. From improving user experience to refining marketing efforts, user personas enable you to deliver value in a manner that's most relevant to your users.

Key Takeaways

  • User personas are essential tools in Product Led Growth, offering in-depth understanding of your ideal users' characteristics, needs, and behaviours.
  • When creating user personas, focus not only on demographic data, but also psychographic information, common behaviours, goals, and frustrations.
  • User personas should be specific, data-informed, and easy to understand. Avoid making assumptions or creating overly complex personas.
  • User personas should play a significant role in your decision-making process, influencing product development, design, marketing, and customer service strategies.

Remember, user personas are dynamic and should be updated regularly to reflect changes in your product, market, and user base. By continually refining these personas, you ensure your product remains aligned with your users' evolving needs, setting the stage for sustained, product-led growth.